Reminiscences of IAML (UK) sixty years on
Miller, Miriam
Reminiscences of IAML (UK) sixty years on / Miriam Miller; Jane Harington; Richard Turbet; Ruth Hellen .-- Oxford: : Brio, , 2013
Brio : Journal of IAML (UK & IRL) -- Vol. 50, núm. 2,Autumn/Winter 2013, p. 72
Harington, Jane
Hellen, Ruth
Turbet, Richard
Reminiscences of IAML (UK) sixty years on / Miriam Miller; Jane Harington; Richard Turbet; Ruth Hellen .-- Oxford: : Brio, , 2013
Brio : Journal of IAML (UK & IRL) -- Vol. 50, núm. 2,Autumn/Winter 2013, p. 72
Harington, Jane
Hellen, Ruth
Turbet, Richard